CoTrust – Mercury (v1.4.8) on AWS


HCL’s CoTrust™ Platform Introduction

CoTrust is HCL’s blockchain product suite, which enables accelerated adoption of blockchain by enterprises. It is blockchain platforms agnostic and supports the likes of Hyperledger Fabric/Etherum/R3 Corda by providing foundational capabilities and scaffolding required to get blockchain network ready. 

Mercury v1.4.8 – Release

This Mercury release (v1.4.8) is basic version which provides user with ready-to-use Hyperledger Fabric (v1.4.8) with Hyperledger Explorer (v1.1.2) environment in just one command. It is available on AWS Marketplace, where anyone with valid AWS login can an instance of this mercury release of CoTrust platform. This can be used to build use cases and explore Hyperledger Fabric. The complete setup uses docker container for which a user does not have to create or configure any tooling, the setup time is just few minutes after AMI installation.

For instance with more features, explore latest CoTrust MARS release.

What is included?

This release includes

  • Hyperledger Fabric v 1.4.8
  • Hyperledger Explorer v 1.1.2
  • 2 Org – 2 Peer each with SOLO orderer
  • CouchDB used as World State DB
  • Additional libraries
    • Node v12.18.3
    • Docker v19.03.12
    • Docker-Compose v1.26.2
    • Go-lang v 1.14.6

How to setup an instance?


Before installing CoTrust Hyperledger AMI on AWS, it is assumed that the user is familiar with Linux commands and has SSH client installed on the machine.

Setup Instructions

The following steps allow a user to start/configure Hyperledger Fabric environment using docker container on AWS virtual machine.

  1. Go to AWS Marketplace
  2. Select HCL CoTrust™ Blockchain Platform v1.4.8 (Mercury) AMI and press launch.
  3. Once the AMI is up and Running, Open Putty/SSH client and log-on to the server using Putty client
  4. Assume ‘root’ priviledges using sudo su - command.
  5. Bring up the hylerledger fabric network & services
    • Go to /opt/hlf-cotrust-network
    • Execute command ./

Stopping Network & Services

To bring the Fabric network and client, use following steps:

  • Go to /opt/hlf-cotrust-network
  • Execute command ./

Reset/Update Password

The password for Certification Authority and correspondingly Hyperledger Explorer login credentials can be updated using following steps:

  • Go to /opt/hlf-cotrust-network
  • Execute command ./ <<newPassword>>

Caution: Resetting the password, causes the network and its client to stop; removes the Hyperledger Explorer and its database containers. You will have use to start the environment afterwards.

Accessing Hyperledger Explorer

Access your blockchain explorer using the following url:

PS: Default Credentials for explorer are username: admin and password: adminpw

Accessing Blockchain NodeJS Client

Access your blockchain client using the following url:

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